
So or Neither

Maria likes chocolate => __________________ I
A. So do B. Neither like C. So did

I don’t like vegetables => __________________ Maria.
A. Neither don’t B. Neither does C. So does

I will start here => __________________ I
A. So will B. So started C. Neither will

They can’t leave to London=> __________________ Alice and Victoria.
A. So can B. Neither can C. Neither can’t

I started today=> __________________ I
A. So do B. So did C. Neither did

She must be sad=> __________________ John
A. So must B. Neither must C. So be

I could have been scared=>__________________ I
A. Neither couldn’t B. So could C. Neither could

She may come today=>__________________ I
A. Neither may B. So come C. So may

I mustn’t eat chocolate=>__________________ Maria.
A. Neither mustn’t B. Neither must C. So must

I eat an apple=>__________________ I
A. So do B. So does C. Neither do

Questions Tags

1. They are reckless on the road, ______________________________?

2. You eat fish, ______________________________?

3. You are not going to do sports, ______________________________?

4. Your dog is a good keeper, ______________________________?

5. She has been to Morocco, ______________________________?

6. You can sing in the choir, ______________________________?

7. Water from the sea can be cold, ______________________________?

8. The capital of England is London, ____________________________?

9. Dogs are good friends, ______________________________?

10. My cat does not eat mice, ______________________________?

11. She looks very pretty, _____________________________?

12. He doesn’t smoke, _____________________________?

13. They are very fond of each other, __________________________?

14. George can’t speak German, _____________________________?

15. We mustn’t keep them waiting, _____________________________?

16. The girls have worked too much, _____________________________?

17. We shouldn’t have to wait, _____________________________?

Short Answers

1. Can we play the piano? Yes, .

2. Do you like chocolate? Yes, .

3. Has Lucy been here today? No, .

4. Must I wait for the teacher? Yes, .

5. Does he want to go with us? No, .

6. Do they know we are here? Yes, .

7. Can you pass me the salt? Yes, .

8. Is this a new book? No, .

9. Will she understand the question? No, .

10. Are you going to Sweden? Yes, .

11. Have you got a brother? No, .

12. Are you happy in life? Yes, .

13. Do you want to play? No, .

14. Does it look bad outside? Yes, .

15. Is that car the colour pink? Yes, .

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